US Generals, get to know them!
Tuesday 19th August, 2003 ·
Posted by Mats0174, .
Gamespy has started a new feature on Zero Hour, Profiles of the Generals!
The first part covers all the US Generals, here's a snip from General Malcolm "Ace" Granger (The air-specialised general):
The son of an Iowa crop duster, General Malcolm Granger's flying career began at the age of 12, when he borrowed his father's biplane to go to the state fair in Kansas City. As a lieutenant in the Vietnam War, Granger became an ace in a single afternoon, knocking out four MiG-17s over Da Nang. As he moved up the Air Force ranks, Granger earned a reputation for advancing the role of fighting aircraft in the U.S. military. Even-tempered yet uncompromising, Granger has developed novel techniques in fuel management and resource deployment during air superiority operations. Those techniques have been used with success in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other theaters. His squadrons are known for precision execution and a strong will to complete the mission.
Learn more about him and the other 2 US Generals Here!