Harvard Bonin chat Wednesday!
Sunday 31st August, 2003 ·
Posted by Mats0174, .
Cabal's CNC Community has scheduled an mIRC chat with Harvard Bonin, I'm not going to explain who he is again, as by now you should all already know him!(Plus the following message says it all)
We will be hosting a chat with Harvard Bonin from Electronic Arts Los Angeles in our chat room on SEPTEMBER 3RD at 2pm Pacific Time. I believe this is 10pm in the UK and 11pm CET, but double-check that yourself so you don't blame me .
The chat will be mainly about Zero Hour, although Harvard will be happy to answer any other questions you may want to ask him.
We will also have Mike "EAComMike" Murphy attending, as well as a couple more people from EA if they can make it - although they are all busy at the moment. Harvard and Mike are definitely attending though.
To join simply go to our chat room with an IRC client such as mIRC
Server: irc.elite-irc.net
Channel: #cnccomevents
(To join the channel just enter '/join #cnccomevents' in mIRC)
If you have any questions you want answered, be sure to attend to this chat!