Harvard Bonin chat finished.
Thursday 4th September, 2003 ·
Posted by Mats0174, .
Yesterday there was a chat with Harvard Bonin organised by the fine dudes from CNC Com! A chat log has recently been posted by Malc. You can find that over at CNC Matrix!. Here's one question wich contained new stuff:
MadIvan[DragonhordeStudios] GAME RELATED: What Happened to the Ladder Kit? Will it ever get released/made?
Harvard[EA]; I was wondering when that would come up. I am actually working hard on this right now. We are doing a couple things but I'll tell you how it will work:
Fansites are really the ones very interested in this. We will have a kit that we will send to the sites (along with a legal doc). They will sign the legal doc and then tell us what "rules" they want for their ladder. Actually they'll send us back the config file. This will allow the game results to be sent automatically to the ladder on the site. The ladder will be selectable from QuickMatch like the others!
So finally, more than 6 months after release we will get some form of ladder kit. The community ladder can start 6 months too late, if they decide they find it worthy to start at this time!