Chinese Generals spied!
Thursday 4th September, 2003 ·
Posted by Mats0174, .
Gamespy continues analyzing the generals available in Zero Hour. This time it's the Chinese generals! Here's a bit of info on one of the Chinese generals, Ta Hun kwai!
GameSpy: At first glance, General Kwai appears to be one of the most powerful of the generals with some impressive armor superiority. How do you defend against him?
Harvard Bonin: For your average, head-first player, this General Kwai is the likely favorite. One thing players seem to understand well are tanks. Few players ever really master the nuances and play the game with real style. This general was created to present a lower learning curve for players that naturally gravitate toward tanks. He's pretty susceptible to missiles and he has no artillery. General Kwai's problem is cracking bases.
General Ta Hun Kwai is convinced that the People's Liberation Army will see its greatest military successes in this century through the view holes of its tank divisions. A disciple of Soviet tank tactics of the Cold War, General Kwai has produced technical papers on various modifications to them. He has initiated development of techniques to reduce the costs of tank production and has sponsored the Emperor program, whose first tanks rolled off the assembly line in 2013. Considered part of the old guard in the PLA hierarchy, General Kwai nevertheless continues to roll up victory after victory in battle.
For the rest of this massive amount of info on all three generals you pay Gamespy a nice visit! You'll all be welcome, I think.
I have not yet read all of the available text, because I now have to leave for homework, dinner and training. The first being the biggest horror in our simple lives (Although the horror of school is a bit lighter due to the fun in the class), the latter being the joyful entertainment, just like gaming, hehe.