Generals story!
Sunday 7th September, 2003 ·
Posted by Mats0174, .
Yet another excellent essay over at PlanetCNC has been posted, this time it's a 6 pages long Generals story! here's a snip:
Everything changes after the GLA begins to enter Western China. The GLA begins to build popular support for an independent state to be founded there. China's refusal to negotiate or change their modern way policies anger the GLA leadership. Then suddenly, without warning, GLA military units attack the Yecheng military depot. They steal thousands of rounds ammunition for their forces before destroying a nearby nuclear reactor. Dangerous levels of radiation are detected across China and as far as 100 kilometers away from the site. The leadership of China is angered by the GLA actions and refuses to allow UN monitors into the country or allow any UN attempt to negotiate with the GLA. The United States provides the UN Security Council with satellite surveillance of GLA military compounds, but refuses to commit troops to peacekeeping efforts. When one Security Council member suggests that the US should bolster Chinese efforts in stopping the GLA, the White House shrugs off the idea claiming that the GLA will never cross paths with American troops abroad. As China mobilizes several Red Army divisions to Yecheng, the leaders of the world watch for China's next move...
The story begins at the very beginning of Generals and ends up at the beginning of the conflict that we'll see in Zero Hour! Go and read for yourself!