C&C Unleashed's job vacancies!
Wednesday 10th September, 2003 ·
Posted by Mats0174, .
According to AAK625 it's "that time of the year again". And following that line came his cry for 3 new news updaters, read with me:
Well it's that time of the year again where we sit down together and talk about our future plans. As always, staff came up in that discussion. Below is what we would like to acquire:
3 daily News Updaters who have superb grammar and spelling skills and know basic HTML. Mind you, this is a DAILY job.
If you think you have what it takes, click the "Now Hiring" sign to drop me a line. If you feel you have other skills that could be beneficial to the Unleashed Network, please speak up. If for some reason you are unable to e-mail me, below are some alternatives:
MSN: Aknu927917@aol.com
E-mail 2: AAK625@comcast.net
ICQ: 123035379
AIM: Glock625
Yahoo: AAK625
If you think you've got what it takes, go visit CNC Unleashed and apply immediately.