CNCNZ Update!
Wednesday 10th September, 2003 ·
Posted by Mats0174, .
Sonic has posted an update regarding the recovery of CNC NZ.
UPDATE: Wednesday, 10 September 2003
We have been restoring all our files and getting things set up again. All mail accounts are now active. Currently we are trying to recover our database for our forums, if we can get this back we shouldn't loose anything that was on the forums before the server problems started. If you have questions I'll be glad to answer them via e-mail.
At this stage I'm estimating at least another 24 hours before we can re-open the site. Please stick with us because is coming back!
Sonic -
Aside from saying it's really cool they're making their comeback I don't really have anything to add to this, so I'd just like to suggest you all read todays Daily Victim, the one about fake patches. It's hilarious.