New Community Update.
Tuesday 16th September, 2003 ·
Posted by Mats0174, .
Mike "EaComMike" Murphy has posted up yet another Community Update at the official Generals site. It talks about Zero Hour going gold and what little steps need to be taken in order to prepare yourself for its release, here we go:
Community Update 9/15/03
C&C Generals Zero Hour Goes Gold
Command & Conquer? Generals Zero Hour has gone gold and will start to ship on Monday, September 22. The first expansion pack to one of the best-selling PC games of 2003, Command & Conquer Generals, gives players more weapons, more power, new battlefields, three new single-player campaigns, 15 new missions, and new game modes.
Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour features a new Generals Challenge mode which allows players to control any of the unique armies of nine distinctive Generals in head-to-head competition against computer-controlled Generals. Each General has a unique strength and is equipped with a special army. In three new singleplayer campaigns players will continue to take charge of three different armies, the Global Liberation Army (GLA), China, or the USA. With new weapons such as the US Spectre Gunship, GLA combat motorcycles, and Chinese Helix helicopters, players will select from a surplus of new high-tech weaponry and an assortment of new units and structures in their quest for global domination.
Preparing for Zero Hour
In order to ensure the upcoming expansion pack Zero Hour connects for people playing on the net, players MUST make sure they are patched up to 1.6. Although Zero Hour ships with 1.6, we want everyone to patch ahead of time if they haven't already. It's always better to have the latest patch installed when getting the newest expansion pack. We don?t expect any problems, but we want to make sure we deflect any problems proactively.
Click to Download The 1.6 Retail Patch - 16.6MB
EAComMike and the rest of the C&C Generals team.