C&C Matrix Down.
Thursday 25th September, 2003 ·
Posted by Mats0174, .
Malc has just send me this email, apparently "the system" has changed the code of the Matrix which caused heavy losses at CNC Matrix:
Hey guys,
Long story short I did something which I didn't think would effect anything but resulted in my host deleting all of the files and databases without giving me any warning (So its really their fault) I have a complete backup of all the pages but the databases are another story I have a files one which is a month or two old so any files added in the last month or two won't be on there but I have backups of some of the files as for the forums I think we're going to have to start froms scratch I know a lot of people will be upset about that as the forums had grown very large but theres no real way around it.
Anyway to get things back and running again I have had to send a fax to my host because apparently they need written confirmation but when they do fix the server it will mean all of the files will be deleted again so theres no point in reuploading the site until they've fixed the problem which will hopefully be by Monday or so I hope then I will start restoring backups.
But for now ZeroHour has just came out so have a much around on that and check back here next week.
They'll be back luckily.