RADEN Won't Come Back.
Monday 27th October, 2003 ·
Posted by Mats0174, .
Yesterday I posted about the come-back of C&C Den, I also mentioned that I wasn't able to access Raden. Lion explains:
One more subject I need to address is RADEN. At this time I have no plans to bring it back online. I will be transferring the bulk of maps, mods, etc to CNCDEN for the Red Alert2 and Yuri's Revenge games. IF EA announces another game in the Red Alert Universe, then I will bring RADEN back. All news pertaining to the Red Alert Universe will be posted on CNCDEN. I will continue to support all games.
It's sad to see even those kind of sites leave..... Anyway, don't expect a lot of news today, I bought myself a GBA Sp and I'm caught in some intense Advance Wars battles, hehe.