Cold Strike's Final Version.
Wednesday 19th November, 2003 ·
Posted by Mats0174, .
Cold Strike has released its final version, version 1.3. Cold Strike is now being taken over by Ground Control, the next mod of the same team. Here's the latest version of Cold Strike changes.
List Of Fixes and enhancements.
-King Crusader Missile WEapon reduced range.
-Worker shoe now only increase worker speed in 30 instead of 40.
-Purchase Nuke upgrade now cost $4000 instead of $5000 in version 1.3
-Added new locomotor tp Apache, makes the Apache slightly slow than the Comanche.
-Worker shoes upgrade cost is reduced to 800 instead of 1000.
-Upgrade Amphibious Poseidon Upgrade cost is reduced to 1000.
-Poseidon Tank Speed is reduced.