Interview and new Q&A`s
Tuesday 27th August, 2002 · 0 commentsPosted by Mats0174, .
Gamespot has an interview And it`s free!!
I suggest you read it, it`s a good read, although it are the same screenshots as the gamespy preview, there is some new info, I can`t wait to play the GLAhero unit, the sniper:
The GLA has a crack sniper to wreak havoc by picking off the pilots inside of vehicles. Special armor-piercing ammo actually lets the sniper get pilots inside tanks too, which makes the units neutral and able to be captured by any side.
That was also mentioned at Gamespy, let`s hope it won`t be scrapped
O yeah the Q&A, Doc from Xra2X had 2 of them with Delphi