Delphi Q&A
Thursday 12th September, 2002 · 0 commentsPosted by Mats0174, .
Delphi continues pumping out Q&A, this is from Shady of CnC Uprising(which is down for some time deu to them moving servers)
Shady: Will there be a chance of the System Req`s for Generals being reduced in the future??
Delphi: Possibly, we won`t know for sure until the game is fully optimized.
Shady: Renegade Patch and Nux server... When??
Delphi: No eta.
Shady: Will you be playing the UT2K3 Demo when its released??
Delphi: Of course, I live for the tournament. "I am the Alpha and the Omega!"
Shady: HeHe, and last question. Whats the greatest improvment in Generals that the team has been able to do so far??
Delphi: Can`t pinpoint it to just one feature. The missions are really starting to come together and feel rock solid and the multiplayer is a blast to play.