Friday 4th October, 2002 · 0 commentsPosted by Mats0174, .
Delphi really pops Q&A out everywere, I`m still waiting for mine, but Delphi told me he will be answering that one
Anywayz we got 2 more for today, one is from our host Planet CnC
This one contains 3 questions, here is one:
PlanetCNC: "You'll be treated as such by your XO." Hmmm.... Care to elaborate?
Delphi: Gotta save some things for the game.
Too bad, but I quess we will see this kind of answers more.....
Then we got 5 questions from Westwood Experience
Here is one that I find interesting in particular:
Aaron: Will people that are in the "Multiplayer Test" be able to take screenshots and post them up on sites?
Delphi: Yes
The rest isn't THAT interesting, but just give it a view, it will just cost you one clicky right here!