Friday 11th October, 2002 · 0 commentsPosted by Mats0174, .
Just had a mail-reply-reply etc, you could almost call it a chat!:P
Here it is!
First I asked if Webmasters already had been notified, got this Reply:
Delphi:The first round has already been notified.
Then I asked if there are more rounds, and when:
Delphi:Early November
That's the date when we will know more, I think this mailing led to Delphi's mail, wich can be viewed some posts below here....
Then there was a new chain of emails, because Delphi said sites will get free Generals copies:
Mats0174:Did I understand you wrong or will every Site get FREE copies???
Mats0174:How many copies a site, I know sites wich have like 12 staffers, is there some catch?
Delphi:We'll allocate the copies when the game ships.
Mats0174:So wich staffers will get, will be known by then?
Delphi:Webmasters will make that choice.
Mats0174:What I mean is, is there some limit per site?
Delphi:It is a limit we set based on the site.
Well that was pretty much it, Delphi, thnx for the info