1.5 Preview!
Friday 21st March, 2003 · 0 commentsPosted by Mats0174, .
Another 1.5 update has been posted, labeled preview this time!:
Dear C&C Generals players,
In the spirit of increased open communication with the community, here's a preview of the fixes/changes in 1.5. Feel free to discuss in this forum. We'll continue to read and watch reactions. Thanks.
FYI... We are continuing to test. If all goes well 1.5 will be released sometime next week.
1. STAT RECORDING INACCURACY: Made sure the online stats are tracked correctly. Initial disconnecting players will be tracked and wins/losses will be correctly tabulated. One note to remember: At the Disconnect Voting screen players MUST wait for the count down to finish. A player that exits this screen before the count down is done will receive a disconnect. Also, the voting button has been removed from any 2 player game Disconnect Screen.
2. US BARRACKS EXPLOIT: Lowered the number of Rangers that appear after a US Barracks is destroyed.
3. BUGGY MISSILE TRACKING AFTER UPGRADE: Made sure the missiles continue tracking targets after the player upgrades the Rocket Buggy.
4. RELOADING COMANCHES, ROCKET BUGGIES: Made sure the Rocket Buggy and the Comanches can reload reliably.
5. GLA FAST BUILD BUG: Fixed exploit that allowed multiple Workers to speed structure build times.
6. DOUBLE PLANE WEAPONS CAUSE INCORRECT DAMAGE (All planes): Made sure that targets take damage correctly when multiple ordinances hit a target simultaneously.
7. SOME USERS ARE SEEN IN THE WRONG GAME LOBBIES: Fixed this so that ?phantom? users wouldn?t be seen in misc. lobbies.
? Bug fixed in MiG damage code where upgraded napalm did too much damage to targets.
? GLA Bomb truck health up from 220 to 250.
? Worker health up from 100 to 140.
? Tunnel Network gun damage increased from 10 per shot to 15 per shot.
? Overlord build time increased from 20 to 25 seconds.
? Scorpion Tank now builds in 10 seconds instead of 14.
? GLA Arms Dealer build up time decreased from 50 to 40 seconds (ini seconds, not game seconds.)
? Tunnel Network Build Time improved from 20 seconds to 15 seconds (ini seconds, not game seconds.)