Get the ladders up!
Wednesday 14th May, 2003 · 0 commentsPosted by Mats0174, .
Yeah, let's storm the fort, ladders there!
Errrm.....wait, they mean other ladders!
Hey Guys,
I've spent the better part of the morning trying to make some head way with the RA2/Yuri's situation. While I still don't have anything concrete yet I can tell you that ladders are what we are trying to get back up at the moment.
I know you guys have been patiently waiting for some word on this and I've been doing what I can, but this hasn't been an easy issue to address.
Thanks for bearing with me and for keeping your RA2 comments within this thread. I'll post again on this when I have more information.
Col. Burt
I think we have to wait until the E3 is over, and beyond