OMG! USA is imbalanced!
Wednesday 18th June, 2003 ·
Posted by Mats0174, .
No not in Generals (well, perhaps also), this is in real life! In the 4th episode of Command & Comedy PCNC states that the US army will be tuned down a lot. Smart bombs belong to the past. The future consists of balanced warfare!
Following international cries of ?itss not fare 4 teh u.S to h4v3 teh 1337 w3ap0nz!!!1!!111!? the United States bowed down. On June 18th, 2003 George W. Bush signed a radical bill which will drastically change the U.S. military into a fighting force comparable with that of its enemies. Several American weapons are being re-tuned and brought back to the battlefield after severe modification.
You just HAVE to read this 4th episode of Command & Comedy over at Planet CNC! It's the best so far.