Malc interviewed.
Friday 20th June, 2003 ·
Posted by Mats0174, .
Ash, a regular IRC and forum spamme.....errm poster of course, recently interviewed Malc from the Second Wave mod. The spam cha.....errrm interview can be found at the spam capital of the intern.....eerm at CNC Series!
The interview contains normal questions such as:
Are you enjoying working on it, or is it a tormenting procedure you'd rather be done with?
I love working on it, I sometimes find myself up to the wee hours of the morning working on something and time just flies by, the only bit which is tedious and tormenting is when I try something and I get an error. It involves going through everything I've recently done it sux =(
But also consists of the questions everyone is waiting for to be answered. DOES Second Wave have enslaved Monkeys working for them? For this question and the rest of the interesting interview, pay Ash a visit!