Mikey does the explaining!
Wednesday 25th June, 2003 ·
Posted by Mats0174, .
EAComMike posted 2 short updates yesterday and now posted a rather long (VERY long when compared to those posted yesterday) one today to clarify things a bit.
My June 24th Announcement
In my recent announcement I mention the word "Final". This does not mean that 1.6 is going to be the final patch for Generals. It's a term used in the software development business when a piece of software, in this case the patch, is complete.
Example: We've just finaled the beta build.
At this point I don't know if other patches are planned. We need to get 1.6 out before we can even think about other patches. If I were to guess, and that's all it would be, a guess, I'd say there will probably be more patches as we are not through with this product's life cycle. Again, this is just me rambling, and not committing to patches beyond 1.6.
I'd also like to talk about why no details were given in regards to why the patch was delayed.
First off, software development is a tricky business. When a patch is going through QA, there's no telling what can happen. Patches are put through a rigorous testing cycle and if a bug is caught, it's noted, sent back, fixed, resubmitted to QA. The cycle starts over.
On top of this, sometimes our priorities change here. In fact, not one day goes by when this doesn't happen. Sometimes work is put down, in order to get other things done first.
So for those of you who think a a monkey can build a patch, get it through QA and release it in 2 days, PM me his resume, I'll hire him on the spot.
Deleting Repetitive, Inappropriate, Off Topic Threads
It's come to my attention, and I'm sure yours, that there's a ton of repetitive threads in these forums. Moving forward, I'm going to delete new threads on items that have been discussed in the past. I'll use my best judgment and will try to be as fair as possible when hitting the delete topic option. But no warning will be given; I'll just delete these. Be sure to use the search function before posting messages.
Inappropriate messages will be getting the same treatment. From this point on, think about what you're going to say, and the type of language you're going to use when saying it. There are ways around our profanity filter, and for those of you using these ways, your messages will get deleted and I will remove posting privileges. If one persists on continuing to use profanity, accounts will get banned.
As discussed before, all off topic threads are now being deleted. So if you post a thread asking what happened to your thread, it's going to get deleted.
Well, I hope I answered some of your questions regarding the 1.6 patch. I'm sure you'll have more, and I can't guarantee an answer for those. But I'll try my best to respond to this message.
To re-read (if you want to) this post and read the comments and more explaining of Mike, you hit this forum topic.