Malc interviews *Name deleted*
Thursday 26th June, 2003 ·
Posted by Mats0174, .
Due to recent "going-berserk" like stuff happening in the mind of a CNC Series staffer, we'll call him Ash, I cannot say the name Mike in my news headline, doing this would unleash a chain reaction. I can't tell you all consequences since I'm the beginning of that chain reaction, hehe.
Anyway, over at CNC Matrix, Malc (Who is nearing his birthday I noticed), conducted an interview with EAComMike (See Ash? It doesn't say Mike, it says Mike with an encryption!). Here's a snippit, also one to prove you all that with the introduction of Mike, there is no introduction to the end of the "Can't say" replies,
Malc: Do you think there will ever be a update for the world builder to fix some of its current problems?
Mike: Good question, One I can't really answer at the moment. I wish I could talk more about this, I'm just not clued into what the problems with the editor are at this time.
For the rest of this interview you hit CNC Matrix!