Update on Cases ladder!
Thursday 17th July, 2003 ·
Posted by Mats0174, .
I thank Ash of CNC Series for this piece of news.
What's up? Cases ladder is being reset, here's the official message by the team behind Case:
In conjunction with the 1.6 patch release, Case?s Ladder will be re-launching the official Command & Conquer General?s Ladder. All existing accounts will be removed. Players who wish to participate in the Ladder moving forward will be required to visit www.casesladder.com/generals and register an account. Exception: Existing premium members (Gold, Platinum or Diamond) will NOT be required to create a new account. Their accounts and all stats, with the exception of Skill Rating, will be preserved. If you are interested in becoming a premium member to preserve your existing account and statistics you can find out more details here.
Why are We Doing this?
We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause, but this is being done in order to better serve you. The new changes will enable you to fully utilize the many features Case?s Ladder has to offer. Currently, Generals Ladder members are limited to accessing a small percentage of our site due to the fact that EA is not sending us your E-mail addresses, which does not allow us to issue you pas.swords.
We would like to be able to offer you accessibility to many of the cool functions that you?re currently unable to utilize, such as our on-site message boards, the ability to play in ? and host your own! ? Generals tournaments, not to mention all kinds of cool stats tracking and other feature customization. Without E-mail addresses so that we can issue you passwords, none of this is currently possible.
Improved Customer Support and Response to Cheating
We would also like to be able to more actively process reports of cheating, unreported match complaints, etc. Currently, we have no way to follow-up with someone when a complaint has been filed, so we?ve been very limited in terms of how well we?ve been able to police the Ladder. Moving to a system where registration is required should greatly help to alleviate that problem. Requiring registration at our site before Ladder matches can count will solve these dilemmas!
LadderOps Team
At the same time that we implement this change we also plan to ?launch? the new LadderOp Team, which will be made up by several members from within the Generals community. These are good, honest players who really want to help keep the Ladder fair and fun for everyone. I think they?re going to be a great addition, and you all will really benefit from their dedication and interest in the community. They will be able to respond and react appropriately when necessary to deal with situations involving cheating, or where change is needed---such as changing the list of maps in rotation on the Ladder within QuickMatch, etc.
The bottom line is that we would like to run an active C&C Generals Ladder---one of the best. We want the community to be very actively involved. We want to keep things as fair as possible for everyone participating, while still maintaining the competitive, fun atmosphere that we know all gamers are looking for.
Timing and Launch Schedule
Within the next few days we will be closely monitoring EA?s progress on the release of patch 1.6. It is our intention to implement these changes to the Case?s Generals Ladder as soon as the 1.6 patch has been released, since we know that several cheating and balance issues are being resolved with that patch. This way everyone will start out on fresh, and hopefully more even, ground.
Once the changes have been made you?ll see announcements posted on the front page of generals.casesladder.com, as well as the front page of the singles Ladder, and both EA and our own message boards. At that time, all accounts will be removed, with the exception of those members with premium accounts, as specified above.
Registration Process
Matches played within the in-game QuickMatch system will still be automatically reported to the Ladder, but you will have to go through the ?Free Signup? registration process on our site first in order for your matches to be reported to the Live Ladder. You?ll see the link for ?Free Signup? in the upper left-hand corner of the Ladder page, located at http://www.casesladder.com/generals.
Quite some info, be sure to re-registrate your account if you wish to continue to play on Cases ladder!