Cliff Hicks interviewed!
Thursday 17th July, 2003 ·
Posted by Mats0174, .
Many of you visitors from the Renegade days may remember him, Cliff "Devinoch" Hicks he used to be community manager for Renegade, an excellent one he was, I might add. Cliff was recently interviewed by the crew over Tiberium-MW. Here's question number one:
1. Why did you depart from Westwood Studios?
I still hold a lot of respect for Electronic Arts and would go back in an instant if there were a position for my skill set that was available, preferably in the Bay area. I relocated out of Westwood because I had a good group of friends up here in the Bay area, and, quite frankly, Las Vegas just never felt like home to me. They say you can't underestimate the importance of being happy where you are, and I completely agree. I didn't care for Vegas as a town and I love the Bay area, and I love my crew up here.
The whole interview basically talks a bit about Cliffs life, if you want to read more, head on over to Tiberium-MW!