New Ren Alert FAQ at
Sunday 10th August, 2003 ·
Posted by Stryker, .
An update on the mod, but first, the faq surfaces, some of whats in the faq talks about how the theif and spy work, which both sound cool, go take a look at the faq yourself.
Or here.
Q: What is Renegade Alert?
A: Renegade Alert is a total conversion of C&C Renegade's multiplayer component to a C&C Red Alert 1 look and feel. See the About page for more information on the mod.
Q: Is the mod called Renegade Alert or RenAlert?
A: Both. "RenAlert" is merely the shortened version of "Renegade Alert," the mods full name.
Q: Who is making this mod?
A: A highly talented team from the C&C Community, for a complete listing of mod team members please go to the team members page.
Q: Can i beta test future internal releases?
A: No.
Q: Do I need Renegade in order to play Renegade Alert?
A: Yes. Renegade Alert reads certain information from your installation of Renegade that makes it possible for the expansion to work properly, one of them being the serial key and WOL login necessary to play online.
Q: How many maps will RenAlert have?
A: The initial release will contain 3 or so maps, but we will add many more after release.
Q: When is it coming out?
A: When it's done.
Q: How can i help?
A: You can help by making intelligent, non-spamming posts in our forums, spreading the word to other Renegade players, arranging for high-capacity servers to run Renegade Alert, and supporting the mod when it is finally released.
Q: Is this Renegade 2?
A: No. Westwood was working on Renegade 2 before it was canceled; Renegade 2 would have been set in the Red Alert universe. We do not have access to anything related to Renegade 2 save for the leaked screenshots, so do not ask.
Q: What role does EA play?
A: Electronic Arts is not involved with our expansion. We are just fans of Renegade who want to make it more fun and interesting, and this is our way of trying to do that. No compensation is recieved for our long hours of labor.
Q: Will there be units from Counterstrike/Aftermath?
A: There are some units taken from the Red Alert expansions; a complete unit list can be found here.
Q: Will Tanya have twin .45's?
A: At this time we have not figured out a way to implement twin weapons/arms in Renegade, but if we can it will certainly be put in. Right now the pistol she carries has equivalent ammo and fire rate for two pistols.
Q: Will the MiG-29 or Yak be making an appearance?
A: No. There is not a physics model for "airplane flight," and we just didn't think it would feel right flying a VTOL Yak.
Q: Why did the Hind launch a missle, and the Apache shoot a machine gun?
A: Although the Hind had the machine gun, and the Apache the missiles, we decided to make them each have both in order to make the air-to-air combat balanced.
Q: What about naval combat?
A: Naval combat will be implemented, but much later in the development cycle.
Q: Will the Naval Transport be able to carry men and vehicles just like the one in RA?
A: Yes.
Q: Where are the dogs?
A: There will be no dogs, period. Although we too would like to play as a dog, it is impossible with the Renegade game engine, so please stop asking about it.
Q: How will the thief work?
A: When the thief reaches the second floor of the Soviet Refinery, x amount of cash will be granted to everyone on the Allied team every 30 seconds. The amount "stolen" will vary from map to map, taking into consideration balancing purposes.
Q: How will the Spy work?
A: The spy will be able to select a soviet uniform, but will only have a pistol as a weapon. He is not targetable by infantry or vehicles, and will not be fired upon by Soviet base defenses.
Q: Why isn't (insert unit here) listed on the unit page?
A: Most likely because it is very difficult to script in, or it would make the mod extremely unbalanced.
Q: Are bridges/civilian buildings destroyable/repairable?
A: Yes, certain buildings and bridges are destroyable. However, they follow the original Red Alert 1 in when they are destroyed, they cannot be rebuilt.
Q: Will the voice commands be changed?
A: Yes. The person who did the original radio commands for Renegade will be recording new radio commands for us to use.
Q: Will there be any "extras," like there were in Renegade?
A: You'll just have to wait and see!
Q: What weapons will the infantry have?
A: Like the original Renegade, what class you are determines the weapons you carry. There are three categories of infantry: anti-infantry, anti-vehicle, and support.
Q: Why don't any of the infantry have new weapon models yet?
A: New weapon models will be one of the last things we implement.
Q: How does this expansion thing work?
A: Instead of distributing RenAlert in Renegade's ".pkg" format, we are using our own custom version of the Renegade game executable. Doing so provides us with greater flexibility, and the ability to update it in smaller downloads whenever necessary. It also provides us great opportunity for optimization - the maps load in less than 2 seconds on L3f7H4nd3d's machine!
Q: Will I have to download the 225 Megabyte installer every time there is an update?
A: No. Because of our "expansion" format, only the smaller automatic updates need to be downloaded every time we change/add something with the mod.
Q: Can I play games of Renegade with the Renegade Alert executable?
A: No. We have tooled it so the "Advanced Games Listing" of Westwood Online using the RenAlert executable only shows servers running Renegade Alert. It will not affect your ability to view normal games of Renegade with the original Renegade executable.
Q: What if i have a pirated verson of Renegade, will I be able to play online with Renegade Alert?
A: Absolutely not. The Renegade Alert team does not condone piracy of any game, but especially those made by Westwood Studios. If you have an illegal cd key and are unable to play online in Renegade, then you will be unable to play online in Renegade Alert.
Q: Will the Zero bug from the previous public release be fixed?
A: The "zero bug" that is a problem with Renegade's .pkg format is nonexistent in our expansion format.
Q: Where can i get help?
Renegade Alert doesn't work for me! A: Do not go to the Electronic Arts help website, as they do not provide support for this "expansion." For now, technical support will be provided in our forums. Please keep in mind that you MUST have a working legal copy of Renegade installed in order for Renegade Alert to work properly.
Q: Am I allowed to make skins for the mod?
A: In the future we will have alternate skins for many of the infantry units. We would rather people did not make any skins for Renegade Alert units, as there are twice as many disgusting skins out there than quality ones. However, if you have made a good skin for a Renegade Alert unit, we will put it in the downloads section of the Renegade Alert website, provided that it is top-quality work. More information will be forthcoming about how to submit skins to the Renegade Alert website.
Q: Am I allowed to change the mod to suit my own purposes?
A: Absolutely not. Our EULA which you must agree to before installing the mod specifically prohibits changing any part of the mod.
Q: Can I make maps for Renegade Alert?
A: Not at this point in time. Eventually we will have an mdk (map development kit) with all of the basic buildings and textures a mapper would need to make map(s) for Renegade Alert. Please keep in mind however, that only maps sanctioned by the Renegade Alert team will work with the mod. If a quality map is submitted however, it will be included in the auto-updater utility that we support. More information will be released at a later date concerning map submission.
I cant wait to try out the new version.-Stryker