Game Ground on the vurge of shut down! , But you can help make it survive.
Friday 15th August, 2003 ·
Posted by Stryker, .
From Data Matrix Admin of Game Ground Network
The site ::Game-Ground:: - Network needs YOUR help, I was speaking the other day (as a moderator there) with the Webmaster, and he said "Unfortunately, Game-Ground is dieing we have currently 12 members in 2 months and lots of hard work, which is going to waste."
As a regular visitor there, I think we should let the community know about it, just give it a look, if you don't like it let it die. But please just at least visit it
I hold some power at GGN, but I alone cant help it alone, GGN needs your support, support to live. Data has put alot of work in the site for YOU, and it would be sad if he had to shut it down. Go and show your support over at -Stryker