This is truly a sad day, "The Great Hero Has Fallen"
Thursday 21st August, 2003 ·
Posted by Stryker, .
It is always a sad moment when a site dies, but I could never think that one of the biggest sites in C&C times would fall, it would be saddest duty to bid farewell to Arm-ent forums.
Quote from
To the Unborn Mods, It is said that one network living solely off a game with a dreary future would eventually perish, well, as of 12.30am western European time, Armageddon Entertainment has closed, for good. I understand that this may be bad news for the majority, and I?m deeply sorry for the inconvenience it will cause.
I?ve come a long way to create this place, I fought, worked hard, spent time and money, and for what? To see the CnC community fall, to watch it deplete, to see it die slowly? Over the past month, I?ve never felt so hesitant about running the network, in fact, I think I speak for all when I say that EA totally fucked up Command & Conquer, and by assessing the ever rotting community, it has no future.
Three years it has been since I joined the community, which was once then glorious. From games editing, to being banned, from Eclipse to Federation Studios, we escalated higher than we could ever imagine, but sadly, us real modders are dead, and the small majority that are left are loosing interest.
We went from Newbies and Modders, to Administrators and Modelers, We went from CnC playing, to Forum Posting and Flaming.
That says it all doesn?t it? The total downfall to this hell bound community, the destructive personalities, the on going site wars, the flames, the power abuse, it never ends.
But please, do not mourn me, or my network, for we stand tall in the hall of legends, and I can assure you, the network?s spirit shall not die. To my hosted sites, and my dear beloved unborn mods, whom which I will never get to provide hosting for, I am sorry. I, Vlad06, Chief Executive of the great Arm-Ent, advise my sites, to find a new home. You?re allowed to eat off us, and as a gift from me, can keep all the layouts and sites we have made for you. Just remember though, the community won?t last long, and as far as I am concerned, is already dead.
We will still ride for ever till the day we die on all the n00bs, all of them, all of the cockroaches that ever slandered us; we won?t forget you, WE BOMB FIRST AND WE ARE LAST TO BOMB. The n00bs and fakes from PPM, the n00bs and fakes from Origin, all of you motherfuckers, Finalmoon, Banshee, Detail, Enslaver, Tratos, Maxim, Morphix, Bitch ass Jono, ALL OF YOU ; I?ll let my lil Homies ride on you once I am gone. Oh yea, Please do not get hosted at Stardust Studios, who are a bunch of self important fuckups. Stardust, ever wondered who hacked your lil? bitch asses? Here, a glimpse of one of my trophies. Screenshot
Signing off. For the final time, Vlad06 - Founder & Chief Executive of Armageddon Entertainment.