New hosted site launch - 'Genesis'
Thursday 21st August, 2003 ·
Posted by Roguey, .
Im glad report that a new new hosted site is getting launched today. This hosted site is for a Renegade mod called 'Genesis'. Heres Toasty to tell us more about this mod:
It's all about the future of Nods Regenesis program. All of the mutants at the end of Renegade turned against Nod and made their own side, thing. After wiping out most of the human population, the mutants go for the Scrin. The Scrin are the advanced aliens that are always crashing in various C&C games. They've got all the super advanced weapons and gadgets and they're defending their entire species from being wiped out by the advancing mutants. The humans still play a big part though, they're the Scrins allies.
With the humans ability and the Scrins technology they've got some wicked firepower. But even still the Mutants are putting up a big fight. With the evolution of tiberium the mutants are also becoming advanced and have taken their mutations to the next level of evolution.
head over there now,