More Cheater Reports!!!
Saturday 23rd August, 2003 ·
Posted by Snipa2oo3, .
I have recieved an email from joe51187 and he has told me about 2 more cheaters 1. Cyrop3n15 2. Felip25 along with 3.p00nugget so that is what i both heard about and seen...and i want the community to know, lets try and keep renegade cheat free if u have any reports to make send me an email...and if u get the chance TAKE A SCREENSHOT to confirm these reports cause it seems like more and more players have this
This cheat consists of: *all done with a simple infantry soldier*
One Shot One kill
Takes out buildings within seconds
Destroys Vehicles with a few shots
Also give high amount of points
Please report anymore cheating to me or any members on Ammo. Thanks Snipa