C&C:Generals map ideas
Tuesday 26th August, 2003 ·
Posted by wizzy, .
I dont know if u guys have noticed... but EA is making a new C&C: Genrals site. Its not done yet, but i hope it will be soon enough. They're making new sections and are making a FanPackage for those who want to make a C&C: Genrals site. Head over to www.generals.ea.com to see how the site is gonna look. Hopefully everyone will like the new C&C: Generals site Heres a message from EACom Mike: Welcome To The New C&C Generals Web Site! Welcome to the new Command & Conquer Generals web site. Although we?re launching this site in a couple of different phases, expect to see updates a few times per week from this point forward. This includes weekly community updates straight from the studio. Contests, sweepstakes, monthly chats, community spotlights, interviews and many other community/game related items. If you haven?t seen the new Zero Hour trailer, find the link just below this message to watch it. If you haven?t downloaded the new Generals Single Player Demo yet, visit our download page and start that transmission. This is EAComMike signing off until next time! Well, it spunds great :D just head over there and watch it! - Wizzy