CNC Series' founder resigns from his duties
Sunday 31st August, 2003 ·
Posted by Mats0174, .
Rob, one of the founders of CNC Series and former webmaster of said site, has quit his job due to lack of time and interest, though he will help out sometimes whenever needed. Here's his message:
It doesn't take a frequent visitor to note that I've had very little to do with the site over recent months. My lifestyle has changed quite significantly as have my various interests. I no longer have the interest in games such as Generals to give me the impetus needed to run or even significantly contribute to a site such as CNCSeries.
Ash has done a fantastic job in keeping the site going, therefore it will be of little surprise to you that he is to become the site's new webmaster. It's a positition that I've held for little under three years now, but it's time that somebody else led the site forwards (although Ash has effectively being doing that of late). I wish Ash every luck in his new role - I have every confidence in his ability and dedication.
As for myself, I will remain as part of the site in the role of 'Founder', providing assistance as and when it is needed. The last year seems to have gone so quickly - I've lost touch with the community and have forgotten many aspects of webmastering that once seemed so easy. I've plenty of great memories - such as visiting Vegas a few years back. Whilst this isn't a full-flung farewell post, I suppose it wraps up things that I should have said months ago probably.. but time just flies.
I'd like to say thanks to all the members of the community, from webmasters to visitors for their respective support over the past few years. I hope Ash is lucky enough to receive the same encouragement and help that I did when I started out as a webmaster all those years ago. Good luck Ash, and thanks everyone. I expect and hope to see this site continue to play an important role in the community.
I'm VERY certain Ash will do a great job webmastering C&C Series from now on! GOod luck to Ash at C&C Series and good luck to Rob at whatever he will be doing.