Renegade make-a-char contest!
Friday 5th September, 2003 ·
Posted by Mats0174, .
I just recieved word from Jody 'Caligirl' Robinson of Lady Gamers about an action figurines contest wich includes one character from Generals and Ra2 and some from Renegade!
Action Game Figurinez Contest! has announced a pixel art contest co-sponsored by Vivendi
Universal, Hypothermia, NVIDIA and Madcatz. Create original clothing,
accessories, hair and practically anything else you can imagine to make
your favorite game characters. Tool like tutorials, character bases and
tips for the characters are provided. The games include characters from
Unreal 2, Quake 3, No One Lives Forever, Jediknight Outcast, Primal, and
C&C. Head on over to the figurinez contest page for further details.
Contest page.
Take care,
- Jody 'CaliGirl' Robinson
C&C Chars allowed:
Havoc, Mobius, Logan(Renegade extra char)
Black Lotus, Hotwire, Maus(Renegade extra char), Petrova(Renegad extra Char), Sakura and Ra2's Tanya!
Good luck and enjoy!