Unidentifiedname needs help!
Sunday 7th September, 2003 ·
Posted by Mats0174, .
Unidentified name, staffer of many sites in this community decides to quit posting for CNC Community. I respect his morals, but still think he needs to be convinced to stay! There has been a poll set up where you can vote for him wether to stay or not.
I have quite a remarkable opinion on this. I think Uni gets too little respect for his work, he probably is one of the most dedicated members of this community, spendings countless hours a week keeping all fans updated with his seemingly endless community round-ups! Frankly, I couldn't care less about a site like Arm Ent leaving (though I did pity all the siteless mods, but that's another story), because they leave with the thought the community is dying and instead of helping it crawl back to the top, they stab the community by closing their site. When someone like Uni leaves a site, it means something to me, Uni being one of the FEW active community members that really care about this community and will stay here untill it either dies out completely, or crawls back up due to support of the real supportive people, someone like that earns my respect, anyone here with the same motives does. Any site, or community member that leaves this community solely because they think it's dying hasn't got my respect.