Big Reborn update!
Tuesday 9th September, 2003 ·
Posted by Mats0174, .
The guys from Team Reborn Have done a huge update regarding some announcement, some new screenshots, a new movie and an update about job vacancies. Here's a bit of the rather lengthy post:
The next step what we have done so far is, that Reborn has moved to an expansion pack. No, not an official expansion pack (RenAlert is inofficial, too), but we have some support from EA.
That has some advantages to a normal mod package:
? - better performance (30% and more fps)
? - fan made maps (.mix maps)
? - fan made custom skins
? - custom wol
And many (many many many ) more, but thats still a surprise.
For this and more (How does cooperation with Rengaurd, the anti-cheating program, sound?) you have to get reborn!