Stackout's Teacher sits out 9/11 rather than skip lesson
Friday 12th September, 2003 ·
Posted by stackout, .
My Great teacher Mr.Ritter is awsome! He barley gives any home work and still he teaches good! Over here in colorado we have had many Tradgiuties! Please Read:
Friday, September 12, 2003 - Two years ago, as Jason Ritter watched the footage of the crumbling World Trade Center towers, he vowed to spend every Sept. 11 in the classroom helping his students understand and remember the tragedy.
Instead, Ritter, 26, an eighth- grade teacher at Falcon Creek Middle School in Arapahoe County, spent the second anniversary of the terrorist attacks alone at home after administrators deemed his lesson plan "inappropriate" and advised him to rethink it. He said he was told not to talk about the tragedy - or else leave for the day.
Thursday morning, the educator chose to go home.
The controversy began at a back-to-school night meeting last week in which Ritter told parents he planned to show a video and hold a class discussion about Sept. 11.
The parents were enthusiastic about the week-long lesson plan, Ritter said.
"The parents said they thought the kids needed to feel, to understand, the tragedy," he said.
Please read the rest Here This is my News for the day.