Action Figurines Contest Update.
Wednesday 24th September, 2003 ·
Posted by Mats0174, .
The action figurines contest of Lady Gamers I posted about earlier is nearing its deadline, read with me through this mail of Jody alias Caligirl:
Figurinez Contest Deadline has a message for any of you who are still working on
your game figurinez. The contest is ending a week away! The deadline is
September 29th at Midnight 12pm PST. The figurinez submissions will not
be shown to the public until the week of voting that starts on September
What's at stake? Prizes include a $50.00 Certificate, Quake
III Arena tin with id Software signatures, Siberia, No One Lives Forever
Martini mixer with 2 glasses, No One Lives Forever 2 Posters, Nvidia
Doom 3 t-shirts, Call of Duty Hats, RtCW Xbox, RtCW PS2, Return To
Castle Wolf PC game of the year, Quake III Arena shirts and Xbox
So get your figurinez submitted! There's nothing you could lose. As
always if you need any assistance, please ask in the Figurinez forum,
stop by ETG #ladygamers IRC, or check the FAQ for the contest.
- CaliGirl