PaintBall Public Release Mod out!
Wednesday 24th September, 2003 ·
Posted by Stryker, .
Get geared up for some paintastic action as Blaze and Jelly release their public beta of Paintball mod, which should be fun to try out.
Blaze and Jelly Mod's Paintball Public Beta Release
Blaze and Jelly are modmakers that have been working for about a month
with their Paintball Mod and after popular demand (mainly over Gamespy Arcade)
an have decided to release a public BETA.
This Mod includes 3 maps (There is also promised to be 2-4 more maps in the works)
This mod is highly based around teamplay and requires you to place a beacon and defend it for your team to win.(Instead of repairing beacon shoot it)
More Items will be added soon.
Jelly is perfecting his skinning skills to release a camo-paintball skin pack.
Blaze and Jelly would also like to give a great big thanks to CNCAMMO, People like Seal who has helped us out when their beta skins went to **** with their tutorials and all the people that encouraged them.
This is a very promising mod and due to the popularity these 2 guys were able to scrape together 2 mirror sites thanks Phire and [STT]!
Download Here
Visit and sign up for their forums at,
Paintball frenzy, =P -Stryker