Renegade 2 models released!
Saturday 27th September, 2003 ·
Posted by Stryker, .
This pack of models Westwood put together towards the end of closing Renegade 2 : Note this is all tga and gmax files, so someone with exceptional gmax/renx skillz will have to put together something playable for Renegade, as it will take some work to do so. Recommend you read the read me, it'll tell you everything.-Stryker
Allied Transport (skin by Assassin)
Light Tank
Grizzly Tank
Prism Tank
Apocalypse Tank
Rhino Tank
Kirov Airship
PT Icons for the units also included by Assassin
Map Objects
Soviet Wall
Go grab the Ren2 Model Pack, but remember, you need to retexture, and turn these models into playable ones for renegade.-Stryker
Ren 2 Model Pack -Below-