ArmyRules Quits.
Saturday 27th September, 2003 ·
Posted by Mats0174, .
We're still not out of out community dip, yet another resignation. This time it's ArmyRulz30 from CNC Zone:
Well, for me it has been a good run... All good things must come to an end sooner or later and for me I have decided to hang up my webmaster title. Over the past 2 years of being with this site was tons of fun especially being with the best fellow Webmaster and Co-Webmaster. Neo and Mcgl0re I beleive are some of the most dedicated webmasters out there and I had a pleasure being able to work along side of them.
The three main reasons of leaving as Webmaster has been due to lack of time and the creation of a Web Hosting company of mine, and the slow decay of the CNC Community. I will still be hanging around the site, and forums however. I am 100% confident that Neo and Mcgl0re will be able to make this site even greater then it already has been, after all receiving over 300,000 hits is no easy task and it could not have been done without them. Well time for me to go and leave, and watch from the sidelines cause this site will get bigger. Army Out.
Thanks to Unidentifiedname for the news tip!