Another Site Down.
Friday 17th October, 2003 ·
Posted by Mats0174, .
Aromanov of Tiberium-MW posted up a little message on his homepage addressing the status of TMW, unfortunately, that status is down.
Well as some of you may of noticed TMW has been down for a while now, the reason? Well the major reason is that I am currently in College and so I've been bogged down with school work, I had planned to keep TMW up as a sort of download location for older files that you cannot find anywhere else but being a student money is tight so that wasn't working out. Now that doesn't mean I am not trying to fix something up, but I really don't see anything happening till the next C&C is announced.
Now for something you people may want to look forward to is that in January 2004 I will be heading down to Los Angeles to meet up with the people at EALA and I will have a report made up of the trip available on January 24th, 2004! So mark that date on your calendar as you'll be in for a treat!
Aromanov out...?
Big thanks to forum member Takavar for the news tip!