Reborn in Search of Servers!
Sunday 19th October, 2003 ·
Posted by Mats0174, .
The Renegade to Tiberian Sun modification hosted by us, C&C Reborn has a message posted by Angel of Dawn, declaring they need two downloadservers and one gameserver, here's the message:
150mb free discspace
Windows OS (NOT Linux)
Dedicated Server with much bandwith (MORE!! than 1mbit UPstream)
at least 350mb free discspace
much bandwith (MORE!! than 1mbit UPstream)
no trafficlimit (its the hosters money, just a sugggestion
at least 100mb free discspace
much bandwith (MORE!! than 1mbit UPstream)
no trafficlimit (its the hosters money, just a sugggestion
You must allow us to directly link to the file without any downloadthingy or whatever.
Think you can handle one of those three? Contact Angel of Dawn at