Ren Alert on Hold.
Wednesday 22nd October, 2003 ·
Posted by Mats0174, .
It has been speculated alot the past few months, rumours came and rumours went about the possible end of the Renegade to Red Alert modification. but every time, the team behind Renegade Alert managed to go on. But today the unfortunate thing happened, AircraftKiller declared Ren Alert's production is On hold. Ack's post would make you believe the status for the mod is only on hold, but you can consider it cancelled. The second death of this modification is most likely the last. No more 0.992 beta, no more full release of this modification in form of an expansion pack. This is a major blow to all that is left of the Renegade community. I mark this as a sad day, for this might be the final blow to Renegade, not even other modifications may help it from being put six feet under.