C&C Database Back Bigger Than Ever.
Tuesday 28th October, 2003 ·
Posted by Mats0174, .
Recently received this email from Assaultr22
I want to Announce that a new Command and Conquer Site is up and Running! Well almost New...
Some of you may remember CnC Data Base? Old Template made by Freewebs, barely any space!
Well Now someone is hosting My site! I have Access to php and Mysql. I have new PhPBB Forums, A new site, And there will be lots more features! Also their wont be any more trouble with the Layout of the Old CnC Data Base!
Also something much better is CnC Data Base Has a new URL! www.cncdb.com no more cjb acount. Its still not tottaly done with the files and thats why i opened it to you a little earlier than expected. So you guys can send some in! Now i Support Renegade, generals, and Zero Hour!
Hope to see you at the Data Base!
It's nice to have some good news next to all bad stuff.