Renegade ammo skinner, and 2 High res. Generals screens
Friday 19th July, 2002 · 0 commentsPosted by Mats0174, .
We now got a Skinner for our site, welcome to Yakuza .
This doesnt mean you can`t apply anymore, scrool a bit down and see the info. His first skin is just done, HALO skin, pretty nice. Of course as usual the pic is here:
Secondly there are two old screens released again by ToTheGame why do I need to see it then, you think, because this pics are MUCH better quality than the GameSpot ones, I can almost see the soldiers facial expressions!!
Anywayz here they are:
Do you see that damage model of that war factory? Much better than previous C&C games, I wonder if it can still pop out tanks hmm....