Generals box art
Monday 9th September, 2002 · 0 commentsPosted by Mats0174, .
I`m , of course, sorry for the news yesterday, but I was gone yesterday(even we need breaks ) I was gone off to Six Flags Holland(If you don`t know it it`s a rollercoaster park) I know you all don`t want to know what I did all there and stuff, so I won`t begin about that
Anywayz here is the news, the Taiwanese Generals site released some box art stuff, it is all the same as the picture of the poster released sometime ago, and it`s right here!
I don`t really like it, it has been some guy and the battlefield reflects in that guy`s eyes, and you`ve quessed it, this pic misses that tradition, so i hope some else will be used