21 Renegade 2(cancelled) screenies!
Saturday 26th October, 2002 · 0 commentsPosted by Mats0174, .
Shinano, over at CnC Universe obtained 21(!!) Delicious screens from the (unfortunately) cancelled Renegade 2 project....
Go View them, and agree with me this was a game they shouldn't have cancelled!
Then on some other news, source is CnC Universe as well,
Skryp00, some guy who delivers some Q&A to CnC Universe often, has done it again, read with me:
Will supply depots refill automatically? i mean, do u run out for the entire game? the economy is a mystery to us...
NO, once they run out of supplies it's time to find another. Could all change though during the MP Test.
I was wondering, with the new build system. If when you place a structure and while its building if it gets blown up do you lose the money you spent on it or do you get a refund when it's destroyed?
Presently you don't get a refund when a building is destroyed during construction. This could all change though with the feedback we receive from our MP testers. ?
O yeah, don't forget to run over to CnC Universe to check out 2 more of these!
Looks like Delphi has new way to avoid questions.......just say the MP test could change it.......