Renegade Alert's future!
Tuesday 10th June, 2003 · 0 commentsPosted by Mats0174, .
I'm back from vacation (again) had a wonderful time, met some cool/nice/interesting people, but now it's time for business, updates will continue regularly again, and from what I've heard, the clan will get a new breathe of life as well!
Anyway, Dante posted a bit of information on what is going to become of one of the 2 most anticipated Renegade mods.......errm......Expansion Pack. It can't be called a mod anymore, read for your self:
What will the next release include?
Well, not to give away too many suprises, it will be a totally seperate running entity of Renegade. Completely new directory, completely different WOL listing, and no more 0 bugs!!!!! As you know we have moved to making this an expansion pack rather than just a mod. A mod of 100 megs is a bit large, so we have chose the latter.
Now, what does this mean?
This means you only have to download it once, then get regular updates as we fix certain items. The initial download will be large, but i am trying to find solutions for 56kers that will allow you to download it in chunks rather than one big file all at once. This way you can not worry about losing your entire download on a disconnect. After downloading the initial package, it will install RenAlert on your computer in your Westwood directory, copy certain contents from always.dat and the Renegade directory required for the game to run, then will simply run as a totaly seperate entity.
Will this still require that you have Renegade?????
Yes, as with any expansion pack, you MUST have Renegade installed for the expansion pack to work, else you are just wasting your time to download it. Anyways, last time I checked Renegade was only $9.95, so pick up a copy so you can at least play RenAlert.
You can join into the conversation + happyness at the Renegade Alert forums!
And don't forget to subscribe to our clan! More information can be found at Saturday's news.