Nod's been evolved.
Monday 16th June, 2003 ·
Posted by Mats0174, .
We got word from Toasty about a new mod. The info he put in his mail sounded very interesting, very fresh. Read with me:
Hi dude my name's Toasty and I was wondering if you could please post a news article about this mod I'm working on. It's called Regenesis. The site url is .
I've got the site up and all the mod needs now is some publicity. There aren't many people working on this mod either so it's kind of hard to get the word around.
It's set 700 years after Renegade and the mutants have become so advanced that they have taken over Nod and renamed themelves the "Evolved". They've pretty much wiped out the whole of earth and now they're looking for other life to conquer. The only possible threat is the "Scrin". These guys have been flying round the stars for years and managed to crash on earth alot. But now the Evolved are threatening their existence. They've launched a massive attack on the Evolved and are hoping to stop their threat.
We've got massive plans for this mod and it's got a pretty in-depth story line. The mod is for Renegade and the gameplay will take place in a large variety of terrain. We'll be making DM/CTF maps and all sorts. The maps are set all over the universe with maps in ships, earth, alien planets and so much more. The player takes the role of either the "Scrin" or the "Evolved".
The variability and gameplay of this mod is already looking extremely wicked and it's not even half done.
Forget what I said about it sounded interesting......this is way past interesting! I know I'm going to follow this mod for sure! If all of this gets done this IS something to look forward to? Mark my words, once this mods gets the publicity and the amount of work it deserves it will compete with Ren Alert and Reborn.