New PCNC essay!
Tuesday 15th July, 2003 ·
Posted by Mats0174, .
Stephen Cheng's articles have always been of great quality and still he doesn't lose his touch. Quantity and quality is combined by this writer?
Anyway, a new document has been finished by this excellent writer, the essay is called: Tiberian Plaques. The titel totally says all about the subject of this essay. Here's a piece:
And there are also the consequences that may come from a Tiberian plague. Obviously, the high death rates would lead to severe reductions in the workforces, thus damaging economies. Politically, governments would be pressured upon by the general public for a solution to the plague and the problems it has incurred, such as the aforementioned major economic recessions. The political opposition groups would have popular support for unseating the incumbent. And this opposition may consist of extremists such as fascists, Communists of the Marxist-Leninist sort, and religious fundamentalists. These are people who would not hesitate to establish totalitarian states. And needless to say, these extremists may have backing from Nod remnants that had survived the First Tiberian War. In short, society would undergo drastic changes that may not be for the better.
You really have to read all of this essay, there is nothing I can take as a snippit worthy reading without reading it as a whole, go to PCNC!