RenEvo supports older games!
Thursday 17th July, 2003 ·
Posted by Mats0174, .
AircraftKiller posted a message by Dante on CNC Den, there is not much to add:
"The day has come...
Greeting RenEvo Community, and the C&C Community. Today we have made a milestone step in the right direction to prolong and improve the C&C community. I (Dante) have begun talks with EA today regarding continuation of support for all C&C titles.
As this is a preliminary press release, there will be much more to come in the future. Currently here is what we need from you, the community.
Any bugs that you "remember" from the RA2/Yuri chat system
Any issues related to RA2/Yuri WOL
Any problems, issues related to the RA2/Yuri Ladder
With this info, we are trying to re-establish the RA2/Yuri Chat & Ladder as a means to prolong the enjoyment of the game, and continue to provide a great competitive environment in RA2/Yuri.
Thank you very much.
You can show your support through The Den and through PCNC!