Tech Assault is released!
Friday 8th August, 2003 ·
Posted by Stryker, .
This just in from Spirit!
You can download the mod here
You can download the mod source here
See the TA_ReadMe.txt for information on the mod. For the source, it only includes the level, scripts, and gmax files. You'll have to extract the presets from the pkg.
I've fixed most/all of the bugs and made some small changes. Hope you guys enjoy this! Server may come up in a bit depending on what's going on.
BTW: You guys are allowed to upload either/both of the zip files to your site(s).
Another minor detail I left out: To buy vehicles from the construction pad, shoot the specific switch. There's around a 5 second delay so don't worry too much if you shoot it with a chaingun (best to use a pistol though...) So go on grab it!